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Giving the scientific community a voice on Digital Sequence Information

Effective and equitable sharing of DNA and RNA data on organisms are crucial to biodiversity conservation, public health and research innovation. Researchers must speak out for sensible policy solutions.

Giving the scientific community a voice on Digital Sequence Information

Effective and equitable sharing of DNA and RNA data on organisms are crucial to biodiversity conservation, public health and research innovation. Researchers must speak out for sensible policy solutions.

A multidirectional flow of information INFOGRAPHIC Understanding the use and provision of DSI Effective and equitable sharing of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) between countries is crucial for researchers to generate knowledge to protect biodiversity, advance sustainable development goals and address public health challenges. LEARN MORE Featured CASE STUDY COVID-19: Using DSI to design an mRNA vaccine mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 produced by Moderna, and Pfizer/BioNTech were among the first to be approved in the United States and Europe and are among the most widely used and effective. mRNA vaccines introduce mRNA molecules into human cells, which use the mRNA to create a harmless viral protein that is unique to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. LEARN MORE Featured CASE STUDY Chytridiomycosis: Identifying and understanding a global cause of amphibian decline According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), amphibians are currently the vertebrate class at greatest risk, with 41% of species threatened with extinction. This follows several decades of precipitous declines in amphibian populations on several continents. LEARN MORE Featured CASE STUDY Ebola virus: Developing a life-saving antibody therapy with public DSI The 2013-16 Ebola epidemic in West Africa was the worst outbreak in the history of the disease. It ultimately led to thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of cases across ten countries (with Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone seeing widespread transmission of the disease). LEARN MORE Featured
Resource typeResource nameResource link
Position statementCBD COP16 Outcome Statement​ from the DSI Scientific Network – 2024View
ReportMeeting the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework: what is the role of digital sequence information?View
ReportWhat does open access mean for researchers?View
ReportUnderstanding the use and provision of DSI: A multidirectional flow of informationView
What is DSI?

Digital Sequence Information, or “DSI”, is a policy term that refers broadly to genomic sequence data and other related digital data. This includes the details of an organism’s DNA and RNA, which determine its characteristics and unique traits. There is yet no consensus as to the exact interpretation and scope of the term (for example whether it refers only to nucleotide sequences or also to the proteins and metabolites they encode).

DSI underpins vast swathes of current research in the life sciences, and has contributed to significant advances in medicine, conservation, agriculture, and other fields. All countries use and provide DSI, and it is used for basic and applied research in both the public and private sector.

  • Recent advances in sequencing technology and synthetic biology have made it easier than ever before to sequence, store, and share segments of DNA and RNA virtually.
  • DSI policy outcomes from negotiations in several United Nations fora will have far-reaching implications for researchers that generate and use DSI.
  • DSI and its policy implications for access and benefit-sharing are currently being discussed among Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Agriculture (IT-PGRFA), the treaty on marine Biodiversity in areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), and under the WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing agreement (PABS), which is part of the WHO Pandemic Agreement.
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