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What capacity building for digital sequence information can offer

DATE: December 12, 2022 at 11:00-12:30 – Montreal Time

LOCATION: Room 516C/D/E, Palais des Congrès

Advances in synthetic biology, DNA synthesis and DNA sequencing have made benefit-sharing from DSI an urgent topic at the CBD as well as in other international fora including the WHO, ITPGRFA, FAO, and UNCLOS. Digital sequence information (DSI), which is largely shared via open access databases, is perceived to create a loophole to the Nagoya Protocol and to the fulfillment of fair and equitable benefit-sharing. How to share benefits from DSI was a hot-button issue during COP15. However, an under-explored issue is the “package deal” that will likely be needed from DSI in which capacity building for DSI will be a key element of compromise on DSI.

DSI provides a critical scientific tool for a range of public good research and the Global Biodiversity Framework itself. Although databases for DSI are open access, the ability to use DSI is uneven across the world. How can capacity-building for DSI level the playing field? And where should it be targeted? This event focused on the DSI capacity-building ideas and needs at the intersection of the Global Biodiversity Framework, sustainable development, health, and food security.

More information with a list of all sessions on the webpage of the Fifth Scientific-Political Forum on Biodiversity and The Eighth International Conference on the Science of Sustainability, Session 6.

Video recording of the event:

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