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COP 15 – Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Part Two)

DATE: December 7-19, 2022

LOCATION: Montreal, Canada

In December this year, the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Protocols will meet in Montreal, Canada to discuss the progress and challenges of these international instruments and make decisions on next steps. This COP15 will be especially important because the Parties will agree on the Post-2020 Global Diversity Framework and set the global targets for the next 10 years regarding the three objectives of the Convention.

DSI will be one of the most important issues to discuss during COP 15. A decision on benefit sharing from the use of DSI will be negotiated by Parties and it might have serious implications for science. The DSI Scientific Network will be active during the meeting, raising the voice of researchers and providing data to the Parties to make informed decisions during negotiations.

You can follow the participation of the DSI Scientific Network on COP15 through its website.

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