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Biodiversity Genomics Conference 2022

DATE: October 4-7, 2020


The Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) is a project that aims to sequence, catalogue and characterise the genomes of all of Earth’s eukaryotic biodiversity over a period of ten years. Several members of the DSI Scientific Network shared the research perspective on DSI and Benefit-Sharing in their 3rd virtual forum: Biodiversity Genomes 2022:

On October 4th, an especial section on DSI was performed: 

Using DSI data to advance conservation and sustainable livelihoods chaired by Amber Scholz & Isabelle Coche

Introduction to the DSI policy debates – by Amber Scholz

Case study 1: Production and use of DSI for tropical livestock development – by Christian Tiambo 

Case study 2: Conservation genetics and management guidelines for African bovid species – by Isa Rita Russo 

Case study 3: Using DSI for plant breeding and marker-assisted selection for disease resistance in Algeria – by Halima Benbouza

On the same date, under the section Focus on Latin America and the Caribbean:

Digital Sequence Information (DSI) within the Access and Benefit Sharing framework by Manuela da Silva

You can register here and watch presentations up to 4 weeks after the event. 

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