Four webinars focused on researchers’ experience and priorities regarding DSI organized by DSI Scientific Network
DATE: July 5-6, 2021
Four webinars focused on researchers’ experience and priorities regarding DSI. Panelists discussed the implications of an access and benefit sharing (ABS) system for digital sequence information (DSI) in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity, reflecting on lessons learned from existing ABS arrangements, such as under the Nagoya Protocol and the ITPGRFA.
Asia-Pacific Webinar – July 5th, 2021
Dr. Rajeev Varshney, ICRISAT (CGIAR) & Murdoch University
- Dr. Yogesh Shouche, National Center for Mircobial Resource, India
- Prof. Charles Lawson, Griffith University (TBC)
- Dr. Amber Scholz, DSMZ Leibniz Institute
- Prof. Elizador T. Yu, The Marine Science Institute, University of the Pihillipines
- Prof. Mutsuaki Suzuki, National Institute of Genetics, Japan
Latin America Webinar – July 5th, 2021
Rodrigo Sara, One Planet Solutions
- Alejandra Sierra, Mariano Galvez University, Guatemala
- Felipe García Cardona, Institute for Biological Alexander von Humboldt, Colombia
- Scarlett Sett, European Virus Archive (EVA-GLOBAL), Germany
- Ibon Cancio, European Marine Biological Resource Centre – Spain (EMBRC-Spain) & University of the Basque Country, Spain
- Manuela da Silva, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Brazil
Africa Webinar – July 6th, 2021
Prof. Dorington Ogoyi, CEO, National Biosafety Authority, Kenya
- Douglas W. Miano, University of Nairobi, Kenya
- Kassahun Tesfaye, Ethiopia Biotechnology Institute, Ethiopia
- Halima Benbouza, University of Batna and National Council of Scientific Research and Technologies, Algeria
- Krystal Tolley, South African National Biodiversity Institute, South Africa
- Christian Keambou Tiambo, Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health – ILRI, Kenya
Europe and North America – July 6th, 2021
Michael Halewood, Alliance of Biodiversity International and CIAT, CGIAR Genebank Platform
- Christopher H.C. Lyal, Natural History Museum, UK
- Raquel Hurtado Ortiz, National Collection of Cultures of Microorganisms (CNCM), Institut Pasteur, France
- Amber Scholz, Leibniz Institute DSMZ, Germany
- Guy Cochrane, European Molecular Biology Laboratory European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), UK