Ahead of the next negotiations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on Digital Sequence Information (DSI), the WiLDSI project released a white paper entitled “Finding Compromise on ABS & DSI in the CBD: Requirements & Policy Ideas from a Scientific Perspective”. The white paper, written by a group of interdisciplinary experts, looks at which policy options could be compatible with scientific concerns around open access and the debates on DSI within the CBD. The online event held on October 7th presented the white paper and provided an interactive format for looking at the pros and cons of the policy options as well as offer an opportunity for discussion.
The event was hosted by the WiLDSI project, an interdisciplinary research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) led by the Leibniz Institutes DSMZ and IPK to research viable open access DSI policy options and proactively involve the scientific stakeholder community.